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2022.01.14 News & Topics

“Cyber・Physical・Engineering Collaborative Innovation Partnership” Activities Started

Cyber • Physical • Engineering Collaborative Innovation Partnership” (abbreviated name “CPE” ) was approved for establishment by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in September 2021 with the aim of maintaining and strengthening Japan’s industrial vitality through cyber-physical engineering, which efficiently digitizes and models the materials, parts, and systems of actual products to meet the demand for more precise and efficient manufacturing.

The Overview of CPE’s Activity

From this fiscal year, CPE is using the automotive industry as an example, which has a very broad base, participating companies specialized in manufacturing, simulation, and measurement technologies will collaborate with university research institutions in Japan and abroad to digitize and model finished products through reverse engineering, including X-ray CT, which has made remarkable technological progress to promote research and development of advanced prediction technology based on these simulations, and to create a data structure platform that will allow effective expansion of the database.

Recently, model “EC6” and “ES8” from Chinese EV start-up “NIO” were delivered to our Tochigi factory, and our research activities will finally start in earnest

For Cyber・Physical・Engineering Collaborative Innovation Partnership official website, please click here.